Ready for the Bank Holiday? Need Beers?
May 24, 2024

Here's a de-light-ful offer to "saver" and enjoy!

Sorry about all the puns but we're excited! The weather is looking promising, and we have a fantastic long weekend ahead to relax and enjoy. Got any plans? Off to friends or family for a BBQ? Visiting the coast, going fishing, hiking or golfing? Thinking about a picnic or just parking in front of the telly? We get it. And what's more we know what you need most... a case (or two?) of our award-winning St Peter's Light Beers to share around. Refreshing, delicious, with low ABV's, and utterly quaffable. Trust us, you don't need to shop around. They are everything  you could want this bank holiday and more. Plus they are on a Special Offer! So you can sit back, chill and enjoy the thought of them arriving at your door while saving. We've in fact got a double delightful offer going on out Light Selection Case. Want to know more? There are two options. One, pop into our brewery shop open all weekend (except Monday) or hit the button below for simple, fast delivery to your door...

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22 Jun, 2024
It's official. Summer is here. Time for light refreshing beers.
20 Jun, 2024
Friday, 21 June is a special day for us all St Peter's Brewery ~ See our Flash Sale in honour of this occasion.
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