Here's a fascinating statistic provided by the United Nations: It takes bees over 50 000 flights to more than 1 million flowers in order to produce just 1kg of honey. And, did you know that honey has featured in drinks over the centuries very prominently. For example, historically it was used to produce Mead which was the favoured pour of Vikings and druids, and it is a practice alive and thriving to this day. Honey has also found its way into beer and has proven itself to be a stable, versatile and a highly fermentable substance that is delicious in speciality beers such as our Honey Porter.
When added during the brewing process, honey provides sweetness and plays a role in raising the alcohol level in beer. It can also be used to lighten beers and take the bitter edge off of hops so that a more subtle character can come through. And where our Honey Porter is concerned when you first open it, a delicious honey aroma is dominant pointing to another of the special qualities honey provides beer - aroma. What follows is a dark brown liquid that is bursting with honey, hints of chocolate and vanilla at an ABV of 4.5%.
A brew we could not offer you to enjoy, if it weren't for bees. So on World Bee Day please support global efforts to raise awareness about the importance of bees and all pollinators who play such an invaluable role in creating a world that promotes healthy biodiversity and the security of food. If you would like to learn more about bees and other pollinators, please visit the United Nations website where you will be able to hear podcasts and read up about this issue and find out how you can also make a difference.
If you would like to buy raw honey, pop into our brewery shop where we stock Waveney Honey in support of our local beekeepers. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Peter from Norfolk Honey for the beekeeping equipment he lent us for this photograph, and for sharing with us all his incredible knowledge of more than 45 years of beekeeping.
To find out more about our Honey Porter, click the button below.
For the love of bee-rs, cheers 🍻
St Peter's Brewery Co Ltd AWRS Reference number: XLAW 000 0011 72213